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The Basics of Search Engine Optimization

by Khairul Anwar , under ,

Almost everyone has heard the words SEO,but many people do not have any idea how to do it correctly.Only talk about all the internet marketer,they will let you know that they are dreaming of starting to get traffic from search engines,but when asked how they would go about doing it,they just shrugged his shoulders.Criteria for search engine optimization is easy to understand,and can be applied by anyone.At first you have to be aware of is on page optimization.This is the stage where you can enter key phrases that you are going to be a focus on Google,Yahoo and Bing directly on your site.It is best if you use these clear-cut in places such as the page title,and then sprinkled throughout the pages of course content.

Far more important than on page optimization is off page optimization.Search engines are the table of contents,but sorted in a way where the pages have told you It's meaning.Backlinks are the measuring site popularity.More pages linking to your site,the more important your site is a search engine's eyes.You use targeted keywords as anchor text in backlinks increase the popularity of your site's search engine marketing lists of your targeted keywords better than the reverse without the key words in the anchor text.Most of the secret of SEO is to combine the two SEO and find the best mixture.

Astaga Semangatku Hampir Hilang

by Khairul Anwar , under

Yup itulah yang terjadi saat ini kalau ngomongin masalah kontes seo,semangatku entah kemana sudah hampir dua dua minggu tidak melakukan optimasi apapun buat kontes seo lifestyle on the net,bagaimana nasibnya ntar diakhir kontes saya tidak tahu lagi,semangatku yang dulu membara kini hilang entah kemana,semoga cepat bisa melawan kemalasan ini.

padahal astaga com lifestyle on the net tinggal sebentar lagi,tapi kenapa semangat ini malah seakan akan menghilang dan menghilang entah kemana,kembali ke habitat lagi

Tools Penghitung Jumlah Kata dan Karakter

by Khairul Anwar , under ,

Okelah Kalo Begitu,untuk kali ini saya mau coba share tool buat menghitung jumlah kata dan karakter yang bisa digunakan secara online,semoga bermanfaat buat saya sendiri hehehehe dan untuk anda juga dengg

Mesin Penghitung Jumlah kata

Kalau gak bisa silahkan saja pake situs ini hehehe